A social justice issue that I am passionate about is the Black Lives Matter movement. For the first two photomontage project sketches I decided to focus on the role that the former President, Donald Trump plays in the movement. Over the past few years Donald Trump has railed against the movement and creating a negative undertone to the movement. One of the moments that he has been very vocal about is the decision that Colin Kapernick and other sports players decision to kneel in solidarity of the BLM movement. For this project my intent is to portray the opposite of this reality and create a photomontage of Donald Trump showing solidarity for the movement. What would it mean if Donald Trump took a positive stance toward racial injustice? What would it do for America?
The second sketch is meant to portray a similar sentiment. This time the former president is shown wearing an afro and donning the symbol of black power, his fist in the air. Angela Davis, a prominent figure in the Black Power movement in the 1970's, has been on many posters with an afro and her fist in the air. An image that became a rallying cry for the black power movement in the 1970's.
The third sketch is meant to show that in addition to the Black Lives Matter movement, there are several other issues plaguing the country. Each of these issues play a role in today's culture. Each of these issues tend to fight for our attention or are sometimes competing in the news and in our day to day. The Game of Thrones iron throne is also part of pop culture and is used in the sketch to show that each of these issues also tend to rotate in which one is front and center of society. A similar tone of the show, Game of Thrones where throughout the series there was a different person sitting on the throne based on several factors that led them there. Sort of reminiscent of how we as a country lean on different issues based on current events.
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